IMPACTdmv present's their first Ladies of IMPACT workshop at the DSTFW Youth Summit
On Saturday, March 11th, IMPACTdmv had the opportunity to collaborate with the Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. for their youth summit. The “No More Hurt,” workshop aimed to educate teenagers in various subjects related to personal development. IMPACTdmv had the pleasure of curating a segment for young ladies about self-confidence and the importance of social media management. With our #LadiesofIMPACT hashtag, we were able to have an interactive segment and learn about life for our young millennials.
These ladies of IMPACT were truly inspiring. Our segment opened up with an exercise geared towards boosting self-esteem and promoting natural support amongst women. We had girls write out notes describing themselves and notes describing a young woman they were partnered with. This exercise was done to show how women naturally compliment other women, while they are less likely to boost themselves with equal vigor. As women, it is great to acknowledge beauty in other women, but it is also important to highlight one’s own beauty. Note things you like about yourself and be honest about things you do not like about yourself. This honesty will help you grow and develop as a woman and inspire other women to do the same. Our girls were able to discuss the competitive nature that can sometimes hinder women in society and emphasized the need for support and solidarity in our community.
We followed up our self-confidence portion with a discussion on the importance of social media conduct. Now more than ever, social media has become a part of everyday life. The demographic for the youth summit has been born into and continue to grow in a digitally advanced age. As young women it is important to conduct ourselves appropriately and in a presentable manner. It is also important to know that constant interaction with people on social media will not equate to genuine friends. Our girls gave examples of things they have seen and used #LadiesOfIMPACT to provide their take on appropriate social media behavior. When in doubt, always remember: if you question it, it may not be appropriate, modify your privacy settings and separate professional profiles from personal.
Overall, IMPACTdmv worked with roughly 50 #LadiesOfIMPACT for a successful youth summit! IMPACTdmv provided small take away bags with positive notes for our young women to have. We want them to know that they always have a support system – with each other and with IMPACTdmv. It was truly a pleasure to work with a group of gifted and intelligent young women. We appreciate all of the young ladies who participated in the No More Hurt Youth Summit and look forward to more exciting events this year.
If you are interested in hosting a Ladies of IMPACT workshop at your school or event, please contact us at