IMPACTdmv presents their 3rd Annual IMPACT panel on October 27, 2017 to seniors at Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School.
The panel featured entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, graduates, and social activists. The panelists shared dynamic, resonating stories of resilience and perseverance with the 450+ in attendance.
20 dynamic panelists shared the struggles and triumphs of their journey with an entire 2018 senior class. The flow of the event was an unconventional approach to the discussion by using hashtag “#impactdmv” to connect with students. The teens were thrilled to have the opportunity to be able to submit question via twitter and be shouted out by the host, IMPACTdmv Cheif Executive Officer, Armani McMillan. While panelist covered several educational topics about high school and the college application process, they also had in-depth discussions about more sensitive topics; including, sex, drugs, and alcohol use.
Many of the panelists were entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, and full time creative leaders. Collectively, panelists gave them the raw and unfiltered versions of leaving the nest and coping with growing pains. The message was clear: life has a funny way of humbling you but always stay focused on your purpose. IMPACTdmv’s dynamic panelists not only told their stories but challenged students to learn from their mistakes and carry their words with them as they propel forward.
One unexpected highlight of the event was Ms. Castle, 12th-grade Vice Principal, asking panelist who are affiliated with sororities or fraternities to stroll for her students. Naturally, panelist jumped at the opportunity (literally) and put on a dynamic show for the pumas which led students to record and post videos on Twitter and Snapchat.
After the panel students were able to engage with panelist in a more intimate setting in Wise Senior Lounge. There students networked, asked questions, and shared their stories and dreams with panelist.
We at IMPACTdmv want to thank all panelist for sharing their stories and Wise High School for giving us the opportunity to IMPACT their senior class. If you are interested in hosting the "4th Annual IMPACT Panel" at your school in 2018 please email us at